In the 1960's, "Feed Your Head" was a mantra for Youth to travel beyond their limits. Drugs, Sex, Rock n' Roll. Got your passport? Got your connection? Ride, Captain ride. Most came for the cheap thrills, but a minority began a search for their souls.
Ground Zero for the apex of this story arc was San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury District. Soon overrunned by opportunists and tourists, the golden age faded within a summer. Yet the ripples of this cultural shaking moved through out the world.
Hence, when Bogus Slogan play White River, Arkansas, they were hardly prepared for a Southern parade of hippiedom. Those good times were nearly a decade past. But, long hair, paisley clothing and personal freak flags filled Pales • House of Sound & Vision. Opening act, the Scripted Fade were cheered for their Seeds/Standells style garage rock. However, second bill Brain Inside Girlfriend, a blues/boogie band, were almost booed off the stage.
In a slight panic, the band ditched their current playlist of surrealist progressive rock. Returning to the music from the 60's, playing Quicksilver Messenger Service, Moby Grape, Jefferson Airplane... Bogus Slogan restored White River to its proper place as the center of the universe.
In eulogy, the band's last encore was an extended jam of Neil Young's (Buffalo Springfield) "Expecting to Fly." After the final chorus & fade, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. All things must past.
Bogus Slogan Poster #81 - Inside View
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