SysOps Notice 2007.04.01

Her face is cracked from smiling,
All the fears that she's been hiding
And it seems that pretty soon,
Everybody's gonna know.

Garageband's Arrange Sceen

Apple Computer's Garageband is a music software program that allows an easy learning curve for anyone who wants to be a record producer/engineer/artist. A simple graphics interface, with select/drag and place mechanics. The software makes the process intuitive.

Prior to GB, I was using Emagic's Logic. A "high end" sophisticated suite of recording software and digital instuments. Kind of like the Photoshop of the music world. Even though thousands of artists use Logic daily, I could only look in disbelief at my computer screen as any attempt to use the program ended in misery.

I'll give one example. With the LinearStylebroadsheets, I take a prior LS Photoshop file and modify it with a new backdrop and text; then save it under a new name. Trying to do the same in Logic overwrites the original file. I had to redo the first four LinearStyle™ MiXmp3™ files because Logic substituted the new for the old. If this had happend to new compositions that had not been backed up.....

When Apple bought Logic from Emagic, I was very hopeful that I would get the computer based recording studio I have wanted since personal computers became affordable. Apple continued with Logic, as is. They have released upgrades, but the same confusion underlies its interface and operations.

Logic's Arrange Sceen

I have gone to seminars, where hosts wiz around the computer screen and magical sounds from complex multitrack songs come from their speakers. Again, I look on in disbelief. The Logic manuals are thick and dense.

Garageband was a true savior, but it is an entry level program. There is a hope and a rumor, that soon (a few months) Apple will release a new "Logic." I use quotes around the name since part of the rumor is that Apple will release the software with a new title.

I am waiting. I am hopeful. I am thick and dense.