Available now, but in the works for the longest of times, Bogus Slogan's 1977 show at Montreal's Heat Club, has finally been released as a combination DVD/CD. Here for the first and only time is the BS lost epic, "Mona's Little Friend." A 45 minute tour into Mona the groupie's favorite fever dream.
The song, which was rehearsed for over 2 months, was too complex for the band to enjoy playing night after night. It was abandoned a week after the tour had started. This is the only known performance where a recording survived.
However, these master tapes were lifted from the recording van and went missing for nearly 2 decades. It was always assumed that the tape operator, Mic Fransine, had been the lifter, but no evidence of wrongdoing was ever found. Rumors of the tapes existance came from a fan of the band in the late 1990's. In 2002, a raid on an Internet music collector's home in Turku, Finland, revealled a horde of lost studio master tapes from the 1970's and 1980's. BubblePop, The Vacant Saints, NuvaLucks, The Straportines... Bogus Slogan @ the Heat Club.
Further investigation showed that the collector had no tape machine/mixing board with which to play back any of the tapes. He stored them in a china cabinet in his guest bedroom. Occasionally he would take out the boxes and look at the writing.
Bogus Slogan DVD: The Heat Club
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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5:00 PM