D.C. Comics is the other great comic franchise. Home of Superman and Batman, many other amazing characters.
Today's Superman has been re-invented so that he can reflect the anxiety of human kind. But what noble beginnings he had. Batman's never ending quest for revenge has been slowed by his concern for not killing. But his origins are born in the most crushing of human experiences, death.
Superman's world can be more modern than our tomorrows will ever be. Whereas Batman's urban city of crime contains nearly every nightmare we can imagine.
When visiting the cities in our world, Bogus Slogan tries to make traveling as simple as possible. Many years of travel experience makes getting the band to and fro somewhat easy. Therefore, it is the equipment crew that have all the great stories. And there is no glory for them as the most valuable instruments go alongwith the band.
Getting to the Tall Boys Cantina in Louisville, KY was one such horror story. On a December night, the band equpment bus skidded, downhill, on black ice for over 3/4 of a mile. Gaining speed, the vehicle clipped a mountain side which broke out the headlights. For the last 1/4 mile Eddie "Last Rites" Davidson just let the steering wheel loose waiting for the end.
The crew was so dedicated, they rented a truck, off loaded the stuff, and made the set up at the club, an hour ahead of schedule. Bogus Slogan sent Eddie and Mark on a three week vacation in the Virgin Islands the next day.
Bogus Slogan Poster #64 - Inside View
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