Bogus Slogan Poster #59 - Inside View

A beautiful drawing of super hero Iron Man from Marvel Comics done by artist Adi Granov. His armor, now gold and red, reflects a dull sun. An explosion behind the figure and the fight continues. Maybe we are in the way...

Like the Fantastic Four, Marvel has a stable of characters that can withstand being re-invented over and over. Their science fiction story lines must support a violence beyond human tolerance so that there is a need for a super hero or heroine. But good lyrics in music are not always necessary and so to with a good story in comics. The art work can be mesmerizing and can carry the show. With Bogus Slogan poster #59, the penciller (original artist), inker and colorist made a great Iron Man.

Depicted in the poster as a code enforcement officer for Rumour Control: East Coast District. Model B • 01, "Iron Man," has come to Brisbane, Vermont to restore the peace. Bogus Slogan tried to get in the way.
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