Normally, Bogus Slogan uses the Vertex World Crime League as their concert promoters. The VWCL rarely seeks public recognition - in fact, the harder it is to find them, the better.
When the Crime League is unavailable, the Band is not adverse to using local promoters who are willing to use bonds and escrow accounts to verify the flow of monies. They'll be glad to trust you after proper compensation and all the bills have been paid. Bogus Slogan wants even the little guy who stands the concession in the bathroom to get his minimum wage.
Incomplete and Understated Productions of Laguna Beach, California were two surfers who thought Bogus Slogan were the best band in the world. They were determined to get them to play their home town. The Canon Amplitheatre is at the back of the city. No ocean view, rather, the smell of native California sagebrush is predominant. This was the city's first rock and roll concert since the late 60's and the whole town wanted the event held in a neighboring town.
But with art grants, bonds and maybe some compromising pictures, the boys got their concert, with one proviso - Acoustic only - A warm winter night, a thousand good friends, and the coyotes as backup singers.
Here's to our music heroes, Charlie Parker (Bird Lives), Eric Clapton (Clapton is God), Jimi Hendrix (Hendrix Forever), Duke Ellington (Nothing but the Duke)... They make the prettiest graffiti.
Bogus Slogan Poster #43 - Inside View
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