Bogus Slogan Poster #31 - Inside View

Since most people, happily, hate violence; and therefore try to not support it- the United States of America's military, the best that violence can be, is critiqued by friend and foe alike. Since our Forefathers explicitly wrote that providing for the national defense is our highest priority, it should be second nature to cherish those who place their healthy lives in harm's way for the continuation of representational government and worldwide freedom for all humans who wish to be so governed.
While our three WW II doughboys are not happy to see the camera, they will be happy to know that Bogus Slogan cranked the volume at the Boyle Heights Armory. The Armory, built during WW II, was converted to a community entertainment center in the early 1960's. Over 15,000 square feet and with a barrel roof, the acoustics were tough to take. Raising the volume helped.

Supporting bands, Truth Speakers, the Flats & Cons and Seventeen Seconds; were winners of a local battle of the bands contest. Whether they sounded their best, with the professional sound reinforcement system rented by BS, was lost in the eight second reverberation of the armory's interior.