When BogusSlogan can play a gig in NY, they toss their everyday responsiblilties away. In this instance, BS cancelled a recording session with the 30 member Manadalla Spiritual Orchestra of ManaKai. They made amends by taking the whole troupe out to dinner at Prestos of Black Rust Canyon Beach, on their return to California.
The Silent Technology ConFab brings together, anyone who is working on removing mechanical noise from this Earth to compare notes, patents and processes. Afterwards the attendees break their own code with a music concert.
Opening acts included a doors cover band, The Carnival Dogs, who's specialty is recreating the famous Miami Concert. Blended Angels's lead singer, Kaci Rodgers, post concert party in her Brooklyn artists loft casued BS to miss their afternoon flight back to LA.
The poster's backdrop is a night view - looking into Central Park. Since the concert was off the cuff, the poster print run was only 250 and they were stacked in the lobby of the theatre as a souvenir to those who found them. 47 have been tracked down. Most have stickey tape residue on their corners. A recent public auction brought a price of $178.25.
Bogus Slogan Poster #18 - Inside View
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